Around the world...
Opening at the Ateneo de Madrid

Dense fog in slow motion..
Small island moves like a cloud in the deep see of the unconscious mind.
Fluidity, intuition..”sangkalpa”!!!
Lucid emptiness..infinite possibility.
Is it a shadow? Inner child?
No identification but they talk..
No judgement but they talk..what are they saying?
A sense of protection starts to’s not so clear its presence anymore..
It was a great pleasure for me to exhibit Swan Dream at the Ateneo de Madrid, the first art work of my new series. Thanks again to Paola Trevisan and Rosa Mascarell for organising another great show. Creative beautiful works, great people in an amazing venue with the perfect artistic atmosphere.
Small island moves like a cloud in the deep see of the unconscious mind.
Fluidity, intuition..”sangkalpa”!!!
Lucid emptiness..infinite possibility.
Is it a shadow? Inner child?
No identification but they talk..
No judgement but they talk..what are they saying?
A sense of protection starts to’s not so clear its presence anymore..
It was a great pleasure for me to exhibit Swan Dream at the Ateneo de Madrid, the first art work of my new series. Thanks again to Paola Trevisan and Rosa Mascarell for organising another great show. Creative beautiful works, great people in an amazing venue with the perfect artistic atmosphere.
It was a great pleasure for me to exhibit Swan Dream at the Ateneo de Madrid, the first art work of my new series. Thanks again to Paola Trevisan and Rosa Mascarell for organising another great show. Creative beautiful works, great people in an amazing venue with the perfect artistic atmosphere.